Realme launched the latest smatphone Realme X this month. It has all the key features that anyone would want in a mid-range smartphone, from AMOLED display to Snapdragon 7-series processor, notch-less display to pop-up selfie camera and dual rear cameras. Overall, it's a great package and it starts at a starting price of Rs.16990 for 6GB+64GB variant. You can buy it from flipkart.
Recently Oppo also launched it's latest smartphone, the Oppo K3. In terms of specifications it is exact replica of Realme X, same processor, notch-less 6.5 inch AMOLED display, pop-up selfie camera and similar dual-rear cameras. It also has a starting price of Rs.16990 for 6GB+64GB variant. So, which one you should buy?
Before this, let's have a look at detailed specs of oppo k3.
Let's get back where we left off. Realme is fairly new brand in market which debuted just 2-3 years ago. It is still looking to establish itself in Indian market. Whereas Oppo is a leader in mobile segment in China and has been in India for many years. So, it is safe to go with Oppo instead of Realme. Another thing, there are various offer running on Oppo k3 on Amazon. You can get 1000 cashback from axis bank debit card and another 1000 cashback from amazon pay, making it effectively around Rs.14990. Moreover, several other offers are available from OYO, Lenskart and JIO.
Recently Oppo also launched it's latest smartphone, the Oppo K3. In terms of specifications it is exact replica of Realme X, same processor, notch-less 6.5 inch AMOLED display, pop-up selfie camera and similar dual-rear cameras. It also has a starting price of Rs.16990 for 6GB+64GB variant. So, which one you should buy?
Before this, let's have a look at detailed specs of oppo k3.
Image source : amazon |
- 6.5 inch FHD+ Super AMOLED notch-less display
- Snapdragon 710 processor
- 16 MP pop-up selfie camera with AI enabled-beauty mode
- 16 MP(main sensor)+2 MP(depth sensor) dual rear-camera
- 6 GB ram and 64 GB storage
- In-display fingerprint sensor and Face-unlock
- 3765 mAH battery with VOOC Flash charge 3.0
- comes with Color OS 6 based on android 9.0(Pie)
Let's get back where we left off. Realme is fairly new brand in market which debuted just 2-3 years ago. It is still looking to establish itself in Indian market. Whereas Oppo is a leader in mobile segment in China and has been in India for many years. So, it is safe to go with Oppo instead of Realme. Another thing, there are various offer running on Oppo k3 on Amazon. You can get 1000 cashback from axis bank debit card and another 1000 cashback from amazon pay, making it effectively around Rs.14990. Moreover, several other offers are available from OYO, Lenskart and JIO.
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